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Friday, November 12, 2004

Effective advertising

I was walking back to the 'Nut for lunch today when I passed a Mexican Board of Tourism Bus parked on University. Okay, actually it was more like a flatbed truck with a glass enclosure, inside which was a Mexican beach scene with sand, beach-chairs, and tanned bikini models (not manikins, but real people). I kid you not!

This is by far the most effective advertising ploy I have ever seen (well, maybe, it's not quite as good as that Meow Mix jingle...meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow...No!!!! Make it stop! Make it stop!). Whoever thought this thing up is a master of the craft of advertising. Showing pedestrians in scarves, mittens and tuques a scene from a Mexican beach is almost cruel and manipulative in its genius. I don't even like beaches and I was tempted to walk into the Mexican consulate to get a Visa today after seeing the "Beach Bus".

The only drawback of this display was the extremely bored-looking bikini models in the "cage". I guess it's hard to get excited when you're being paid to get laughed and pointed at; but come on, you're in the happiest place in the world...Cancun!!!!!! Well, at least 5 square feet of Cancun, anyway. Lousy ingrates.

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